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Research directory

This page lists the latest information on peer reviewed chronic disease prevention research. Please note that if you are looking for an item which pre-dates mid-March 2011 you will need to search our archive news and research directory.

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Article title
Infant diet and subcutaneous fat mass in early childhood: The Generation R Study
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition; 66; pg. 253-260;
Date 01 February 2012
Aim: Breastfeeding has a protective effect on childhood obesity, but the influences on body composition in early childhood are not known. The objective of this study is to assess whether the duration and exclusiveness of breastfeeding, and the timing of introduction of solid foods are associated with the subcutaneous fat mass in early childhood.
Conclusion: Our results suggest that a shorter duration and non-exclusive breastfeeding affect early body composition during the first 2 years of life. Follow-up studies at older ages are needed to explore the long-term consequences.