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National Heart Forum - Championing the prevention agenda
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National Heart Forum

Victoria House, 7th Floor
Southampton Row
London WC1B 4AD

Phone: 020 7831 7420
Fax: 020 3077 5964
Email: [email protected]

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The latest news in chronic disease prevention delivered straight to your inbox FREE every Wednesday.

The Briefings cover subjects including nutrition and obesity, alcohol and tobacco public health events, resources, consultations and reports.


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Keep up to date with developments, news, new features and progress in making the OLC the national centre for information on obesity.


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The latest quality appraised public health evidence and resources delivered FREE straight to your inbox.

ORB (Online Resources Briefing) contains new data collections, reports and research covering government publications, third sector and more.


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Briefing theme issues

We occasionally produce theme issues of the eBriefings, to tie in with events in public health. Our most recent special editions are below.

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