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National Heart Forum - Championing the prevention agenda
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National Heart Forum

Victoria House, 7th Floor
Southampton Row
London WC1B 4AD

Phone: 020 7831 7420
Fax: 020 3077 5964
Email: [email protected]

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eNews briefing user survey

The National Heart Forum carries out annual surveys of eNews Briefing users each summer. The survey aims to gather basic information about our subscribers (their areas of interest, geographical areas of work), and to assess their satisfaction with the services we provide.

From this, we aim to improve the service and take subscribers views into account when planning changings to the delivery method, format and content of the eNews Briefings.

The results of the summer 2010 survey can be downloaded here as a PDF.


The next survey is scheduled for summer 2011.

Please contact Jennifer Ford if you have any questions about the eNews Briefing Service, or the survey results.